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Lykraia is a collecting-place for newly gathered media which cannot be copyrighted. How does this work? While sites like Project Gutenberg gather well-known media which are old enough to have escaped ownership, my goal here is to present a) things which have slipped through the cracks of history, and were never published or have been largely forgotten, as well as b) new findings which do not meet the threshold of originality, such as photo/videography taken by animals, lists of scientific data, recipes, directions, and so on.

My main intention is to create a device which will allow birds to take photos of themselves by landing on a seed-laden switch-plate of sorts. Even better, I'd like to have a tablet device with a front-facing camera set up so that pigeons, magpies, and other such birds can look in the mirror when the photo is taken. By this method one could create the conditions to expand the library of non-copyrightable animal art, as bears and macaques only steal cameras every so often.

Why make a site like this? Well, every time something goes into public domain, or is discovered to have already been so, Walt Disney spins in his grave a bit. We're in dire need of the renewable energy his rotating corpse could provide, so I think the more non-copyrightable material there is out there, the better off we'll be.

And who knows, maybe someone will find a stock image they like.

In solidarity,

        -- Nyymo
        12 September 2024
        Denver, CO, USA

NO KNOWN COPYRIGHT is prepared Nyymo and is marked with PDM 1.0. The media hosted on this website all have no known copyright, due to factors such as the passage of time, the failure to meet the threshold of originality, or the author being non-human. The PDM is not a legal instrument; it is a label, marking a work that is already free of known copyright restrictions worldwide.

Any aspects of this website which may be copyrightable, including but not limited to the presentation, design, commentary text, and organisation of collected media, have been marked by the author with CC0 1.0. You can copy, modify, and distribute this webpage, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission or referencing the original work.

Created on 2024.09.12 and most recently updated on 2024.09.12.